Articles on: Distributing your Podcast

Stitcher Manual Distribution

Upload and publish (not draft) your first episode on Firstory Studio.

Go to the "Contents" menu and select > "Distribution" page. Choose to display personal email in RSS.

Please wait for about 10 minutes before copying your RSS link.

Scroll downwards and find Stitcher. Click "Start Submission" and you'll automatically be brought to Stitcher's website.

Select "Join Us Today" and paste the RSS you just copied from Firstory Studio.

Confirm that the email address shown is yours. If it is not, please make recheck whether step 3 was performed correctly or wait a few more minutes for your RSS to update.

After testing, a number of podcast RSS were found to be unreadable. If this is the case for you, please write to Stitcher's customer service for distribution assistance.

Register for a Stitcher account and fill in the relevant information.

After completing registration, you will receive a verification email through your personal email address. Please select " I approve. Add this show to Stitcher." in the email to complete the distribution process.

Copy your show's URL and paste it onto Firstory's Distribution page.


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Distribute to all podcast platforms

Apple Podcasts manual distribution

Why can't I search for my own podcast after listing/distribution?

Updated on: 13/07/2022

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