Articles on: Hosting and Switching

From to Firstory

This article will help you easily transfer your podcast from to Firstory

**Step 1: Get your RSS feed from**

Sign into your account

From your Dashboard, click on "RSS Feed"

Copy your RSS Feed to clipboard

**Step 2: Set up an account on Firstory and import your podcast**

Add a podcast and select to "Import existing podcast."

Paste the RSS Feed you just copied from

Check the show information and confirm that the program is yours.

Copy the Firstory RSS provided

**Step 3: Activate redirection on and redirect your podcast**

From, go to Settings

Scroll downwards to the "Redirect" section

Click "Activate"

Paste the RSS you just copied from Firstory into the field

Press "Redirect"

After a few minutes, return to Firstory to "Check Redirection"


After completing redirection, all podcast managing and operations will be done through Firstory Studio.

Here are some of the things to note after transferring your podcast to Firstory:

Things to do after redirecting to Firstory


Will my podcast undergo review again after switching hosting platforms?

From Anchor to Firstory

Updated on: 13/07/2022

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