Articles on: Hosting and Switching

From Buzzsprout to Firstory

This article will help you switch from Buzzsprout to Firstory without losing all your podcasting data!

**Step 1: Get your RSS feed from Buzzsprout**

Log into Buzzsprout .

From "Directories," select "RSS feed."

Copy your RSS feed.

**Step 2: Set up a Firstory account and import your podcast**

Set up your Firstory account and add a podcast > Import existing podcast.

Paste the RSS you just copied from Buzzsprout. Click Next.

Confirm and verify the podcast information.

Copy the RSS provided by Firstory.

**Step 3: Return to Buzzsprout to complete redirection**

From your Buzzsprout account, go to Podcast Settings > Cancel/ Redirect Podcast > Redirect Your Podcast Feed.

Paste the RSS you just copied from Firstory in the fifth step. Tick the gray box below and click:

"Redirect RSS Feed and Downgrade to the Buzzsprout Free Plan."

Return to Firstory and select "Check Redirection."

Successful redirection!

After completing redirection, all podcast management and operations will be done in Firstory Studio. You may refer to the following article to learn about the Firstory-exclusive features worth trying out:

Things to know after switching to Firstory

Happy podcasting!


Related articles;

Get a website for your podcast

Will my podcast undergo review again after switching hosting platforms?

Updated on: 13/07/2022

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